Global Business Awards 2024 goes to Education Scenario International

Corporate Vision Magazine UK lauds Scenario Group’s MD, teammates’ contribution

This year Corporate Vision Magazine (the UK) has awarded its most prestigious award ‘Global Business Awards 2024’ to Education Scenario International Group for its significantly professional education exhibition management services — indeed a milestone and a great achievement. The Award was announced at the Global Business Awards 2024 ceremony organized in London in October 2024.

“We feel proud of having won this year’s great award as the luckiest recipient. It is indeed a great honour for our Group’s wide acclaim and due recognition that it has deserved at the international level for education services as well as its dedicated and especially the strenuous efforts made for the connectivity with the global world,” Mr Sami Ullah Sami, Managing Director at Education Scenario International, quipped.

Mr Sami added: “I dedicate this award to our beloved country (Pakistan) because it shows that the global community very much appreciates the enhanced quality standards of higher education in Pakistan.” Continuing he eulogized the continuous hard-work and dedication of the Group’s teammates in general and its Digital Marketing guys in particular. They deserve a pat on back for their dynamic and effective role played for this achievement.”

It is pertinent to mention here that ESI has a long and extensive experience as the highly professional Group with over nearly two-and-a-half decades’ services, during which time this Group has won wide acclaim as a Study Destination Promoter and for international education promotion links with organizations to improve Pakistan’s soft image as a desirable and preferred study destination through media, events, networking with relevant stakeholders, and international collaborations.

Needless to say that as a promoter of study destinations, the Group organizes education expos and seminars ( aside from its successful Event Management business across Pakistan. Latterly, ESI has struck a number of agreements at the official and government levels with various  governments and demonstrated its skills.

It may be recalled that the dedicated services provided by Education Scenario International (ESI) over a long period since 2001 can safely be enumerated as such:

  • As the runner of ‘Best Education Expo Organization Website 2024’;
  • As a pioneer of publications of the first monthly quality magazines on international education and tourism;
  • As a disciplined planner and provider of Event Management services;
  • As a committed and sincere guide for the aspirants of higher studies abroad;
  • We are an Event Management Company for higher education working at home and abroad;
  • We have worked with over 300 global educational institutions at the international level; and we established contacts and maintained liaison with universities from 17 countries during the past about 25 years.
  • Please visit the website URL:

Kudos to Corporate Vision with Education Scenario’s Big Thanks

As is known to everyone, Corporate Vision is a platform dedicated to showcasing the future of better business with its ‘mission to deliver’ insightful features from across the global corporate world.

These awards are judged on merit with all potential winners assessed against multiple relevant criteria, including company performance over a given period of time, expertise and experience within the industry, sector or region, previous accolades won, and of course outstanding client testimonials, feedback or recommendations.

Among the winners of ‘Global Business Awards 2024’ Education Scenario stands apart for its unmatched global services in the education sector like organizing education expos and event management by dint of its meritorious and professional services purely on merit